Want to build wealth?
Here are five key things you can do to build wealth:
- Automate your savings:
Make sure you’re contributing to your retirement account automatically. Link your bank account to your IRA account and set up regularly scheduled transfers. An added benefit to auto-saving plans is that you get to think less about your retirement account.
- Revisit your savings once a year:
It’s important to check on your account regularly. Thanks to the market’s gains and losses, your original asset allocation will shift, and eventually get out of whack.
- Develop good spending habits and saving strategies:
Determine what you can cut back on and what you can’t live without. Then, make a budget and stick to it.
- Pay off high-interest debts first:
This will reduce interest rates overall.
- Max out your retirement savings:
If you’re not already maxing out your retirement savings, consider doing so.
These are just a few easy ways to protect your money and build wealth over the long term. For more information on building wealth, check out these resources:
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